Stoke Newington CAAC September 2018

Planning Applications for Stoke Newington CAAC Monday 10 September 2018


2018/2882 Rear of 233-235 Stoke Newington Church Street N16 9HP To demolish the existing light industrial shed (b1c) and to create a two storey building with a basement mixed-use commercial office (b1a) and residential building (c3) at ground floor and first floor. (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)

We have no objection to the proposals but have some concern over the likely survival of the large tree. The tree report should be carefully and critically examined by a qualified, independent arboriculturalist.


2018/2810 150-152 Stoke Newington High Street N16 7JP Advertising Collar to surround the ATM. The core material for this will be 19mm foamcare PVC with Post Office Lettering and Colours (Picture attached). (Kim Aukett 020 8356 4740)

We have no objection to the proposals provided the collar is not illuminated.


2018/2940 61 Stoke Newington Church Street N16 0AR Erection of single storey replacement structure to the rear of No.61 Stoke Newington Church Street following the demolition of part of original structure extending over adjoining premises at No.63 Stoke Newington Church Street. (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)

We have no objection to the proposals save to suggest more detailed drawings are needed to explain the junction between the new roof, walls and existing building.


2018/3061 46 Queen Elizabeths Walk N16 0HH Demolition of existing front porch, reinstatement of original front entrance, demolition of existing single storey rear outbuilding, erection of a single storey rear extension at ground floor, a single storey front/side extension at first floor level, enlargement of the roof slope above the single storey side extension, and installation of dormer window to rear roof slope, enlargement of first floor outrigger (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)

We have no objection to the proposals provided further details of the proposed front door are supplied and approved. We note the current rendering appears like a roller shutter which would be unacceptable.


2018/3134 235 Stoke Newington Church Street N16 9HP Alterations to shared stairs and erection of new partition to increase size of second floor flat; Insertion of roof hatch and boiler extracts to rear and roof; internal alterations to include creation of additional shower room and a utility room. and 2018/3216 Internal alterations to second floor flat to include creation of additional shower room and a utility room [Listed Building Consent]. (Nick Bovaird 0208 356 8291)

We have no objection to the proposals.


This page was added on 13/09/2018.