Kingsland CAAC January 2024

Planning Applications for Kingsland CAAC meeting for January 2024


2023/2723 128 Southgate Road, N1 3HX Internal alterations including the installation of an accessible shower room at ground-floor level; replacement of a bedroom with a bathroom and dressing room with a level floor at first-floor level; installation of a bathroom to replace the existing kitchen and access improvements at second-floor level; External alterations including repair of front column and replacement of all windows with new double-glazed alternatives; installation of 1x conservation-grade rooflight Listed Building Consent (Thomas Russell)

We object to the extensive remodelling of the interior of this listed property. The applicant states that the differences in floor levels are not original but we are not convinced. Inspection of the plans for number 126 Southgate Road would suggest that they were a feature of these properties.


2023/2724 128 Southgate Road, N1 3HX Internal alterations including the installation of an accessible shower room at ground-floor level; replacement of a bedroom with a bathroom and dressing room with a level floor at first-floor level; installation of a bathroom to replace the existing kitchen and access improvements at second-floor level; External alterations including repair of front column and replacement of all windows with new double-glazed alternatives; installation of 1x conservation-grade rooflight Householder Planning (Thomas Russell)

We object to the extensive remodelling of the interior of this listed property. The applicant states that the differences in floor levels are not original but we are not convinced. Inspection of the plans for number 126 Southgate Road would suggest that they were a feature of these properties.


2023/2847 97 Balls Pond Road, N1 4BL Amalgamation of two flats into a single dwelling house Full Planning Permission (Danny Huber)

No objection


2023/2848 97 Balls Pond Road, N1 4BL Internal alterations; amalgamation of two flats into a single dwelling house Listed Building Consent (Danny Huber)

No objection


2023/2495 32 - 36 Tottenham Road, N1 4DW Change of use from Use Class E to sui-generis use as a private members club comprising co-working space, art gallery, community centre and a cafe Full Planning Permission (Danny Huber)

We object to this application as it is presented. We are concerned about the proposed capacity of 200 people and the impact they will have on the local community. We also note that there is only one means of escape in case of fire.


2023/2610 Flat B, 62 Englefield Road, N1 4HA Erection of rear dormer window and new front and rear windows Householder Planning (Micheal Garvey)

No objection


2022/0963 Land To The Rear Of, 64 Middleton Road, E8 4BS Demolition of mechanic’s garage (use class B2) and erection of a two-storey 3 bedroom dwellinghouse (use class C3). [For consultation purposes: the PV panels and ASHP have been removed and the extension at 62 Middleton Road has been included on the drawings]. Full Planning Permission (Alix Hauser)

Closer inspection of this application indicates that certain details are lacking. The position of the heat pump is not shown on the plans and we are concerned that the noise levels in a confined space may be obtrusive. We were confortable with a green roof over the entire building but we are concerned that the proposed solar panels will be visible from the three storey listed buildings in Albion Square. We are also concerned that the height of the parapet will not be sufficient to conceal the solar panels on the roof. On reflection we accept the principle of the two storey building on the site but we would like more consideration to be given to the elevation treatment.


2023/2943 22a Englefield Road, N1 4ET The construction of a rear dormer extension and installation of rooflights. Householder Planning (Laurence Ackrill)

We object to the roof lights on the front roof slope which could be incorporated into the new flat roof of the dormer. We also think that there could be a window to the staircase with a matching smaller window to the bathroom. The precedent for smaller windows is demonstrated by those on the east elevation. We note that no materials are shown for the dormer.


2023/2732 By The Bridge, 283a Kingsland Road, E2 8AS Variation of condition 4 (Hours of Opening) attached to planning permission ref 2016/2589 dated 06/11/2016 to extend the opening hours at the ground floor and rooftop terrace. The variation would allow opening hours of Sunday – Wednesday: 08:00 – 00:00 & Thursday – Saturday: 08:00 – 02:00. Removal/Variation of Condition(s) (Jonathan Bainbridge)

No objection

This page was added on 18/05/2024.