Stoke Newington CAAC September 2016
Planning Applications for Stoke Newington CAAC Monday 12 September 2016
1, Barn Street, N16 (Variation of condition-installation of a Monodraught Windcatcher) – 2016/2205 (Catherine Slade)
We have no objection to the proposals.
99, Stoke Newington Church St, N16 (Mansard roof extension) – 2016/2567 (James Carleton)
We object to the proposals for the following reasons:-
- The submitted drawings lack a section showing the sight-line from the opposite pavement.
- This proposal will disrupt the roofscape of hipped ends to the block of 4 properties in which it is located.
104. Myddleton Avenue, N4 (Conversion of garage to habitable room) – 2016/2552 (James Carleton)
We no longer make comments on applications affecting this part of the CA.
Flat 5 149, Stoke Newington High St, N16 (2nd floor rear extension etc.) – 2016/2888 (Tim Wild)
We have no objections to the proposals.
188, Stoke Newington High St, N16 (3-storey rear extension, mansard roof extension, 4 flats etc.) – 2016/1502 (Louise Smith)
We have no objections to the proposals, but make the following observation:-
- All windows should be timber double-glazed sashes – the style for the proposed rear elevation windows should the same as for those at the front i.e. 2 on 2, and the glazing bars for all should be slender (drawings should be required as a condition).
Bransby, Pattern, Chadworth, Lynton houses, Green Lanes, N4 (Windows - replace timber with UPVC) – 2016/2958, 2967, 2965, 2966 (Tim Wild and James Carleton)
We have no objections to the proposals, but make the following observation:-
- The colour of the replacement UPVC windows should match that of the existing windows.
193-201, Stoke Newington High St, N16 (Change of use of G and B to restaurant, side and rear extensions etc.) - 2016/2605 (Catherine Slade)
We have no objections to the proposals, but make the following observations;-
- The shopfronts onto the High Street should be designed to retain “the grain” of this part of the Conservation Area.
- Can the local area tolerate or sustain yet more restaurants.
Ground Floor 129, Stoke Newington High St, N16 (Variation of condition – opening hours) – 2016/3263 (Tim Wild)
We have no objections to the proposals.
This page was added on 03/10/2016.