Clapton CAAC February 2018
Planning Applications for Clapton CAAC 22 February 2018
2018/0180 Flat 1 164 Lower Clapton Road E5 0QA Replacement window frames and doors from white UPVC to hardwood painted sash windows & doors; installation of an extract flue; removal of paint to reveal exposed brick; existing tiles to be replaced by victorian style tiles (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the proposal.
2017/4850 Former St John's Ambulance HQ Office Land lying on the south side of Mildenhall Road E5 0RU Erection of a 4 storey building with basement level providing 9No. self-contained residential units over basement, ground, first, second and third floor levels, together with associated bicycle storage, refuse storage, and landscaping, and associated external works. For the purposes of consultation only, the proposed accommodation comprises 4No. one bed unit, 2No. two bed units and 3No. three bed units (Catherine Slade 020 8356 8056)
The Clapton CAAC objects to the proposal. The design simply extrudes the site boundary with little concession to public realm. The "rear" elevation on Mildenhall Road is more successful that the chamfered "front" on Millfields Road, however the zinc box crashes inelegantly into the neighbouring terrace and dwarfs it. There is an uncomfortable, cold, commercial appearance to the entire design which needs restraining. The white brick walls look somewhat disconnected, as they loom over the spikey form behind it. There has been no attempt to design for the Conservation Area with a specific eye on preserving or enhancing it. Overall the design quality is simply not high enough for the Conservation Area.
2018/0282 Flat C (Ground Floor & Basement Flat) 56 Ickburgh Road E5 8AD Erection of a single storey rear extension and installation of a new rooflight on the rear elevation (Simon Chitre 020 8356 1445)
There are no document available online for this application so the Clapton CAAC is unable to assess it.
2018/0170 Flat 5 Fountain Close 211 Lower Clapton Road E5 8ET Erection of a front roof extension to create additional accomodation for the third floor flat. (Danny Huber 020 8356 1453)
The Clapton CAAC objects to the form of the roof extension which leaves little of the original roof in tact. We would likely find a mansard form acceptable as it would preserve the appearance of the fine host building (albeit one that has been badly treated).
2018/0493 Flat A 12 Clapton Passage E5 8HS Cladding of rear extension walls with brick slips to match existing brickwork (Raymond Okot 020 8356 8080)
The Clapton CAAC regrets that the consented scheme wasn't build as planned and this now leads to the retention of a poor quality, inauthentic material, but we have no strong grounds of objection.
2017/5008 29 Overlea Road E5 9BG Retrospective application for retention of the front side extension with rooflight (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)
This is some way outside the nearby Conservation Area and unlikely to affect it so the Clapton CAAC has no objection, but note the tragedy of further eroding what little vestige of character the properties on this street once had.
2017/4786 144 Lea Bridge Road E5 9RB Variation of condition 2 (Plans) of approval 2012/0325 dated 16/11/2012 for "Erection of part single storey and part two storey rear extensions; erection of roof extension; and excavation of the basement and creation of lightwell to the side and external escape stairs to the side in connection with the use of the building as a place of worship and community centre (Class D1)", the effect of the changes would be to increase the height of the roof and rear extensions, to cover the side lightwell, elevational changes to include alterations to the materiality, the size of the openings and removal of rooflights and glazed paving slabs. (Nick Bovaird 0208 356 8291)
The injury to the heritage asset was already instigated in the consented scheme to which we objected. The roof addition harms the appearance of the host building and disrupts the character of the Conservation Area. If we are to accept that the consented scheme was acceptable, we say it was on a knife edge, and this proposal must clearly tip the balance towards refusal as the proportions of the top-heavy addition are simply too great to sustain without having an overbearing effect on the host building and harming the character of the Conservation Area.
2017/5042 389 Mare Street E8 1HY Removal of existing rear chimney and erection of a mansard roof extension to create an additional storey at third floor level. (Alix Hauser 020 8356 6377)
The Clapton CAAC objects to the proposal. Understandably, the flat elevations don't reflect the significant setback of the neighbours to the south which would have been more apparent had the plans shown the neighbouring context. At first glance, the proposed extension looks like a mansard, but without any set back is nothing of the sort. As a result the addition is top-heavy, overbearing and dominates the finely detailed host building. In addition it detracts from the scale of its neighbours - in particular those to the south. The loss of the chimney is a detail that is also to be resisted.
2018/0434 Mare Street Outside William Hill E8 1JU Installation of x1 InLink and the removal of 2No. BT payphones (Duncan Ayles 020 8356 1922)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the proposal.
2018/0477 Mare Street Outside William Hill E8 1JU Installation of x1 InLink and the removal of 2No. BT payphones (Duncan Ayles 020 8356 1922)
This appears to be identical to 2018/0434 to which we do not object.
2018/0186 7 Mehetabel Road E9 6DU Erection of rooflights to main roof slope and outrigger roof (Micheal Garvey 020 8356 8053)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the proposal.
2016/3868 14-16 Rowe Lane E9 6EL Demolition of existing building and erection of a part 3, part 4 storey building comprising 16 flats, 135sqm of business floorspace (class B1) and associated individual private amenity spaces, cycle / refuse storage. (Note for consultation: The proposals have been revised in comparison to those originally consulted on. The changes comprise reduction in scale at the rear upper floor levels, reduction in number of flats from 19 to 16, omission of some balconies, introduction of B1 floorspace at ground floor and 6 intermediate affordable housing units). (Steve Fraser-Lim)
Further to our comments of November 2016, The Clapton CAAC welcomes the small reduction in massing which better separates the plan from the neighbours to the rear. We also welcome the introduction of B1 use in the ground floor. However fundamentally these changes are modest and do nothing to address the chaotic primary elevation and as a result the scheme still fails to respond to its elevational context.
2018/0148 80 Forburg Road N16 6HT Erection of single storey side and rear ground floor extension to wrap around existing two storey outrigger. (Danny Huber 020 8356 1453)
The Clapton CAAC objects to the size of the extension which exceeds guidance by some margin and takes up considerable garden space. There do not seem to be neighbouring precedents of this scale.
2018/0124 9 Stamford Grove East N16 6LS Roof extensions; creation of balcony on roof (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)
This proposal offers little improvement over the refused scheme as it still appears to provide a balcony in an inappropriate location, albeit with no apparent method of access. In which case the balcony and rail should be omitted to avoid harming the amenity of the Conservation Area.
2017/4982 89 Osbaldeston Road N16 6NP Erection of single storey rear extension. (Nick Bovaird 0208 356 8291)
The Clapton CAAC welcomes the improvement over the design of the current extension, but note in scale, it exceeds guidance by some margin. It is not clear how large immediate adjacent extensions are but in any event the gardens are not very large and this would reduce the amount of garden unsatisfactorily.
2017/4802 33 Kyverdale Road N16 7AB Erection of a front and rear dormer extension to the main roof form and insertion of four rooflights to the front elevation of the main roof form. (Elliott Doumanis 020 8356 1804)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the rear extension, but the form of the front extension is awkward and undermines the historic form of bonnet cap and hipped roof. We struggle to see how any form or roof extension can be balanced with the bonnet cap, and suggest rooflights might be the limit of possibilities.
2018/0071 54 Kyverdale Road N16 7AJ Erection of a two storey rear extension at the lower ground floor and ground floor levels with an associated living roof. (Elliott Doumanis 020 8356 1804)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection but question if a green roof is really proposed as the documentation is not clear.
2017/4614 11 Norcott Road N16 7BJ Rooflight to the rear wing pitch roof; removal of chimney stack; enlargement of kitchen window (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection but question the description which suggests an external chimney stack is to be removed (which we would resist), but this is not borne out in the drawings, where only the internal breast is removed.
2017/4945 18 Maury Road N16 7BP Erection of a part single storey, part three storey building over lower ground, upper ground and first floor levels to provide 2No self-contained residential units, including excavation of front lightwell, rear external stairwell and associated external works For the purposes of consultation only, the proposed accommodation comprises 1No. one bed unit and 1No. three bed unit (Catherine Slade 020 8356 8056)
The Clapton CAAC objects to the proposal. The proposed pastiche apartments take the form of a single dwelling house for no apparent reason. The proposal lacks imagination and fails to take the opportunity to introduce some high quality design appropriate for the purpose, and which enhances the CA.
2018/0059 38 Osbaldeston Road N16 7DP Erection of side and rear dormer roof extensions at main roof level and roof extension above the existing front bay and other associated external alterations to inlcude front rooflight. (Danny Huber 020 8356 1453)
The Clapton CAAC objects to the side extension which is obtrusive and disrupts the immediate rhythm of the alternating hipped roofs. The precedents cited cannot be used to justify continued erosion further down the street. We also note the most recent precedent cited was, in fact, refused.
2018/0011 23 Fountayne Road N16 7EA Excavation of the existing basement floor level; erection of a two storey rear extension; erection of a rear dormer extension; insertion of four rooflights to the main roof form and provision of a rear lightwell. (Elliott Doumanis 020 8356 1804)
The Clapton CAAC objects to the proposal. The property has the last remaining original iron and glass veranda in the vicinity along with an original lean-to structure, and their loss should be strongly resisted in any event. That the proposed replacement is so functionally box-like and massive does nothing to justify the loss of the historic features.
2017/4957 18 Jenner Road N16 7SA Change of use and reconfiguration of House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4) to provide two self-contained residential units (Use Class C3) together with associated external works including alterations to external openings to front and rear elevation, erection of replacement external staircase to rear elevation, alterations to front lightwell arrangement and provision of on site bicycle, refuse and recyclables storage. For the purposes of consultation only, the proposed accommodation comprises 2No. 2No. two bed units. (Catherine Slade 020 8356 8056)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the proposal.
This page was added on 24/02/2018.