Clapton CAAC February 2020
Planning Applications for Clapton CAAC meeting for 20 February 2020
2019/4219 Beis Rochel Yetev Lev Nursery 79-83 Cazenove Road N16 6BB Erection of single storey extension on part of the existing building at second floor level, and infill extension at first and second floor levels (Alix Hauser 020 8356 6377)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the proposal.
2019/4411 56 Cazenove Road N16 6BJ Replacement of all the existing windows (single glazed timber) with white UPVC double glazing. (Claire Moore)
UPVC Windows remain contrary to policy in the conservation area and should be replaced by timber. As has been maintained successfully and recently at appeal by this LPA, it is not merely necessary to replicate the broad details but also the finishes and fine detail which UPVC fails to do.
2020/0140 21 Hillstowe Street E5 9QY Erection of rear dormer, first floor and ground floor extension (Fabian Culican 020 8356 4747)
The site adjacent to the Conservation Area has a prominent flank wall highly visible from the public realm, and in piercing it, there is an opportunity to enliven it more that the applicant proposes. As well as introducing some symmetry to the proposed fenestrations, they could introduce more details such as headers, reveals and cills to the benefit of the elevation.
2019/4514 119 Osbaldeston Road N16 6ND Replacement of doors to lower level at front and insertion of roof lights in front and rear roofslopes. (Fabian Culican 020 8356 4747)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the proposal.
2020/0239 Land Adjacent to 5 Clapton Square E5 0NS Erection of a four storey residential building to provide 7 self-contained residential flats (Use Class C3) with terraces to the front facade at 3rd floor level. (Gerard Livett 020 8356 8398)
In trying to resolve earlier problems the end result might be quite acceptable, if ordinary, examined in isolation. But it is clear the design process lacks any wider streetscape analysis. Looking further north at the historic terrace would have given the strongest clues as to the right approach. Although the historic terrace has distinct variations within it, those variations have integrity which this proposal lacks. This is, notwithstanding the short modern block adjacent, an opportunity to join the historic terrace to the corner building. Instead it seeks only to take it's reference from the corner. The result is oddly of another era and unsatisfactory.
2020/0282 and 2020/0310 146A Lea Bridge Road E5 9RB Change of use of building to provide Buddhist Monastery (Use Class D1) and self-contained residential unit (Use Class C3); erection of single-storey side extension; external works of repair to Listed Building, including provision of windows, doors and bell; hard and soft landscaping including provision of gates and fences. (Gerard Livett 020 8356 8398)
We welcome the reinstated D-class use. The proposed extension is modest and acceptable. Our only reservation is the detailed design for the railings which need revision to be more in keeping with a building of this period.
2020/0331 116 Osbaldeston Road N16 6NJ Erection of single-storey rear extension at first floor level. (Gerard Livett 020 8356 8398)
The proposed extension is obtrusive and the cumulative effects of the various extensions are out of scale to the host building.
2020/0133 56 Alkham Road N16 6XF Erection of a single storey rear extension (Kelsi Bolstad 020 8356 4160)
No comment
2020/0063 23 Fountayne Road N16 7EA Excavation of basement and front lightwell to provide the creation of one-bedroom unit. (Kelsi Bolstad 020 8356 4160)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the proposal.
2020/0437 29 Chardmore Road N16 6JA Proposed to remove condition 2 (timber framing) of planning permission ref. 2019/1840 for the erection of a ground floor rear extension [retrospective) (Kim Aukett 020 8356 4740)
It is clearly the case that UPVC frames are not supported by policy and this was specifically considered by the Inspector. Therefore the replacement with UPVC is wholly unarguable. As has been maintained successfully and recently in other appeals by this LPA, it is not merely necessary to replicate the broad details but also the finishes and fine detail which UPVC fails to do.
2020/0350 Lower Ground 52 Brooke Road N16 7RX Full planning application for basement extension with front and rear lightwells to accommodate two new dwellings (Kim Aukett 020 8356 4740)
This proposal does not seem to overcome the previous reason for refusal on this already-overdeveloped site.
2020/0162 and 2020/0175 10 Lower Clapton Road E5 0PD Conversion of two flats to single dwelling house, replacement of existing roof lights withnew roof lights to roof level, internal alterations (Micheal Garvey 020 8356 8053)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the proposal.
2020/0126 19 Urswick Road E9 6EG Enlargement of basement, provision of lightwells and covered courtyard to south elevation and elevational alterations to facilitate conversion of the building into 4 self-contained residential units (use class C3) comprising 3 x 2 bed, and 1 x studio (Raymond Okot 020 8356 8080)
Although this iteration has fewer windows on the poor St John's Church Road elevation, our observations on the overall quality which we made in relation to the refused 2019/4013 continue to apply: "Whatever the planning history and 'problems' encountered in implementing the previous permission, the result both now and after proposed adjustment is a poor quality fenestration to the south elevation on St John's Church Road. The condition has been unsatisfactory for some time but that is no reason not to expect that some effort be put in to improving it. The assertion that planning offers insisted timber windows be replaced by UPVC should be investigated as if such advice was given it was plainly based on an incorrect interpretation of the conditions. In addition the primary elevation now includes particularly poor, UPVC tilting casement windows instead of timber sash as per the neighbouring properties. "
2020/0317 24 Sutton Place E9 6EH Removal of condition 3 (obscure glazing/film) from first and second floor windows and door and reducing height of second floor screen and glaze in plain glass pursuant to planning permission 2015/1716. (Raymond Okot 020 8356 8080)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the proposal.
2020/0170 Railway Arch 187 Nursery Road E9 6PB Construction of new front and rear glazed infills to the arches, re-surfacing of the yards to the front and rear forming a new access into the front yard from Churchwell Path, removal of a gate from the rear yard facing onto Bohemia Place and associated works (Raymond Okot 020 8356 8080)
Insofar as this application relates to physical development only and does not yet establish a change of use, we have no objection and welcome bringing the arch into active use.
2019/4382 Flat B 99 Osbaldeston Road N16 6NP Removal of existing spiral staircase and replacement of rear patio door with sliding sash window. (Raymond Okot 020 8356 8080)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the proposal.
2019/4348 8 Filey Avenue N16 6NT Replacement of existing front, rear and side timber windows of the property with UPVC frame windows (Raymond Okot 020 8356 8080)
UPVC Windows remain contrary to policy in the conservation area and should be replaced by timber. As has been maintained successfully and recently at appeal by this LPA, it is not merely necessary to replicate the broad details but also the finishes and fine detail which UPVC fails to do.
2020/0280 and 2020/0302 193-195 Lower Clapton Road E5 8EG Alterations to a shopfront to install an ATM and associated advertisement (Retrospective) (Thomas Bertwistle 020 8356 2532)
Given the existing frontage is already well lit from inside, and the shop is open 24 hours, the internally illuminated fascia and halo surround are borderline acceptable - although they would generally be resisted in line with policy in a Conservation Area and the Shopfront Design Guide.
2020/0364 Clapton Public Library Northwold Road E5 8RA Internal alterations to existing grade II Listed Building to include new furniture and fittings (Thomas Bertwistle 020 8356 2532)
The Clapton CAAC has no objection to the proposal.
This page was added on 21/02/2020.