A voice for Hackney since 1967

Walk #5 Kigsland & Dalston

Kingsland & Dalston

Duration: 1.5 hours
Distance: 1.5 miles

This walk traces a route through the old crossroad settlement of Kingsland and the erstwhile hamlet of Dalston, explores the Victorian suburban developments of southern Shacklewell, leads through the colourful and exuberant market at Ridley Road to return to the starting point on Kingsland High Street.

The walk is approximately 1.5 miles and takes an hour and a half at an easy amble.

This and four other walks are available in print from this website.

© Copyright 1994 The Hackney Society

With thanks to London Borough of Hackney Conservation Group and Archives Section for permission to use old plans and drawings.

Text and drawings by Cazenove Architects Cooperative
Typeset by Clive Akerman
Printed by KKS Printing
Funded by Dalston City Partnership

IMPORTANT NOTE – this original publication is provided for historical, personal and educational use only. A substantial amount of time has elapsed since publication and some information in this walk may no longer be valid or sensible. No warranty is provided nor can any responsibility be taken for any reliance upon it. For further information or to purchase an original copy email Info@hackneysociety.org


Hackney Society Walk 5.pdf (pdf 567k)