A voice for Hackney
since 1967

Plan of Hackney Church & Churchyard, 1794

Historical Map

by Roger Root

This fascinating document is one of the earliest surveys of Hackney’s buildings. The drawings show the old church of St. Augustine as rebuilt at the beginning of the 16th century, plus the buildings round the churchyard.

The plan gives a flavour of village Hackney in the 18th century, together with important contextual information. St. Augustine’s Tower, seen in the centre of the plan, is the only building which survives to the present day. The original drawing is sketched on parchment in pen and ink with watercolour additions.

1997 | A2 Poster (420 x 594mm; 16 1/2″ x 23 1/2″) |
Full colour, with explanatory notes £12 (members £8) + £10.10 P&P
