A voice for Hackney
since 1967

Hackney Houses

Advice booklet for residents

This is a guide to the houses of Hackney, exploring the different neighbourhoods and types of houses which make up the borough. The materials traditionally used in the construction of Hackney’s houses are described and the reasons for their use are explained.

This guide gives information to residents on how to improve their homes, the importance of conserving historic features, and how to make a pre-1960 house more energy efficient.

Hackney Houses looks at how these buildings can be looked after and altered in such a way that could enhance and improve the street and neighbourhood as well as the intrinsic qualities of the house.

The Third Edition, revised in 2010, is available as a PDF here.

The Second Edition, revised in 1986, is available as a PDF here, and can also be purchased in print from local bookshops and via the link below

We welcome impartial advice for a revised edition and are open to discussing sponsorship opportunities with any associated trades.

1986 (2nd ed) | 36pp | £4 + P&P | ISBN 0 9506558 4 8


Hackney Houses – 3rd ed. (318k)
Third edition. Revised and updated 2010.

Hackney Houses – 2nd ed. (2568k)
Second Edition. Revised 1987. Also available in print.
