A voice for Hackney
since 1967

Love Local Landmarks

The project was run by the Hackney Society in association with the London Borough of Hackney and English Heritage.

Local listing is a concept that is designed to ensure that the historic and architectural significance of buildings that are of local importance but do not meet the exacting criteria for being nationally listed is taken into account during the planning process. Love Local Landmarks, which started in 2010, looked at Hackney’s existing local list of heritage assets, surveyed and photographed them and also identified additional buildings that might be added to the list. In ecember 2012, Hackney adopted the amended list, which now contains 458 entries. bout 120 new buildings have been added to the list including many 20th century buildings, which were previously under-represented. nother 110 buildings have been removed from the list because they no longer meet the requirements for inclusion having been demolished, altered or given statutory listing.