A voice for Hackney
since 1967


Planning and Conservation

It is impossible and impractical to stem the flow of change, and we recognise that the architectural development of the borough will add to its variety and interest in the future.

However, this process of redevelopment and regeneration must be monitored and controlled in order to ensure that Hackney’s historic buildings and Conservation Areas are not stripped of their character and distinctiveness, and that new developments aim for a standard of design that pays respect to the past and contributes positively to the future.

Hackney Society Planning Group

Formed in 2010 the Hackney Society Planning Group (HSPG) aims to comment on large-scale and strategic planning applications, built environment and heritage policy documents, local consultations and planning applications associated with listed buildings outside of conservation areas, within the Borough of Hackney.

Current regular members of the Planning Group include:

If you can work in a team, possess sound judgement and a good visual sense and can spare one evening a month (usually the fourth Monday), then we would be interested in meeting you to join us. Although the committee largely consists of architects and associated professionals, no experience is necessary, but a keen interest in the local built environment is a must.

If you would like to get involved please email lisa.shell@hackneysociety.org