It is impossible and impractical to stem the flow of change, and we recognise that the architectural development of the borough will add to its variety and interest in the future.
However, this process of redevelopment and regeneration must be monitored and controlled in order to ensure that Hackney's historic buildings and Conservation Areas are not stripped of their character and distinctiveness, and that new developments aim for a standard of design that pays respect to the past and contributes positively to the future.
Hackney Society Planning Group
Formed in 2010 and reformed in 2013 after a brief hiatus, the Hackney Society Planning Group (HSPG) aims to comment on large-scale and strategic planning applications, built environment and heritage policy documents, local consultations and planning applications associated with listed buildings outside of conservation areas, within the Borough of Hackney.
Current regular members of the Planning Group include:
- Bernard Tulkens, Tectonics Architects
- Catherine White, interior architect, Catherine White Interiors
- Dickon Hayward, Material Works
- Jenny Lovell, Director, Allies and Morrison
- Kate Cornwall-Jones, Development Manager, LB Camden
- Lisa Shell, Lisa Shell Architects, HSPG Chair
- Luke Dewey, Senior Associate, Metropolitan Workshop
- Mike Samuels, Cunningham Park Properties
- Nick Perry, Former Chair, Hackney Society
- Rik Nys, Architect
- Robin Mallalieu, Brady Mallalieu Architects
- Sarah Mann, Director, Studio Wolsey
If you can work in a team, possess sound judgement and a good visual sense and can spare one evening a month (usually the fourth Monday), then we would be interested in meeting you to join us. Although the committee largely consists of architects and associated professionals, no experience is necessary, but a keen interest in the local built environment is a must.
If you would like to find out more, or put yourself forward please email us at
Presenting to HSPG
We encourage developers, planners, and architects of larger schemes in the borough to engage with HSPG at pre-app and welcome presentations where appropriate. When presenting please bear in mind the nature of the Group and the level of professional expertise and customise the presentation accordingly. In particular:
- Present when details of the design are available, and some options have been explored and we can offer meaningful input on the design process.
- Keep the team presenting small and relevant - a maximum of 4 people at any physical presentation. Provide names and roles ahead of the meeting.
- It is usually more useful to have architects and planners present.
- Have working elevations and plans to show us.
- Show landscape plans and context.
- Explain targets for any 'affordable' provision and how they will be delivered.
- Keep the presentation to 20 mins max plus time for questions.
- Send a distributable PDF ahead of time where possible, or afterwards if not.
- For meetings at Norway Wharf, the presentation PDF (or slide deck) must be presented from the office Mac so please provide on a USB stick or by email ahead of the meeting.
- We generally take presentations at the start of our meetings at 7pm on the third Monday of each month.
- We now ask applicants making a design review presentation to consider making a £500 voluntary donation to a mutually-agreed Hackney-based charity in-lieu of any consultation fees.
You can contact us at
Hackney Conservation Areas Advisory Committees
If you prefer to get involved in heritage and conservation matters exclusively and (typically) smaller schemes, there are six Conservation Area Advisory Committees (CAACs) which work alongside the Planning Group covering all applications in Hackney's Conservation Areas. Click here for more details. Enthusiastic lay members with an interest in heritage and conservation, and an eye for detail are particularly welcome.
Conservation organisations
Hackney Houses
Advice booklet for residents