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Stoke Newington CAAC July 2023

Planning Applications for Stoke Newington CAAC meeting for 10 July 2023


2023/1147 Green Room Cafe, 113 Stoke Newington Church Street, N16 0UD Extending opening hours to include bank holidays and sundays, from 8:00 am until 11:00pm. Full Planning Permission (Catherine Nichol)

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2023/1405 34 Lordship Park, N16 5UD Extension of existing basement, excavation of front and rear lightwells. Full Planning Permission (Catherine Nichol)

Architectural design is very poor. The elevational treatment at the rear does not marry with the architecure of adjacent Victorian houses. The bike storage at the rear is unworkable. The bedroom under the front entrance is very poor stacking. We don’t think the front light wells are in keeping with the Conservation area.


2023/1153 256 Albion Road, N16 9JP Proposed hip to gable roof extension together with rear dormer, installation of solar panels, and internal reconfiguration. Householder Planning (Erin Glancy)

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2023/1445 1 Digby Crescent, N4 2HS Erection of a two-story rear extension; alterations to the fenestration; excavation of a front lightwell and basement extension. Householder Planning (Catherine Nichol)

The high level terrace will have overlooking issues for neighbours . We suggest a full height privacy screen be required to be black stained timber


2023/1260 Flat A, 68 Mountgrove Road, N5 2LT Creation of balcony rear balcony to second floor Householder Planning (Jessica Neeve)

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2022/0792 231 Stoke Newington Church Street, N16 9HP Part single-storey extension and conversion of existing buildings to provide commercial floorspace and four Class C3 residential units, along with associated landscaping, creation of a disabled parking space, storage and associated works. Full Planning Permission (Erin Glancy)

On the whole this is a well designed scheme. However we have concerns about over-heating, particularily the new additional second floor. Under Building Regulations Part O, over heating needs to be designed for at the planning stage, since the addition of shading to mitigate overheating caused by climate change will change the elevational appearance.