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since 1967

Kingsland CAAC November 2023

Planning Applications for Kingsland CAAC meeting for November 2023

2023/2299 Linguascope, Unit F, 10 Printing House Yard, E2 7PR Replacement of existing timber windows and door with new double-glazed steel units to match existing style. Full Planning Permission (Catherine Nichol)

We have no objection to the replacement windows but wonder whether charcoal would be a more appropriate colour to create a cohesive look to the façade.


2023/2294 Sinthu News, 271 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS Alterations to the shopfront including alteration in the location of the existing entrance door; installation of new door to serve upper floors; installation of retractable awning Full Planning Permission (Thomas Russell)

We have no objection to this application but we are disappointed that the applicant pre-empted planning consent by at least ten days.


2023/2484 The Diner, 600 Kingsland Road, E8 4AH Temporary installation of two externally illuminated shroud screen advertisements. Advertisement Consent (Catherine Nichol)


2023/2124 Duval House, 1 – 2 Glebe Road, E8 4BD Replacement of existing timber windows with aluminium windows to part south elevation and part west elevation Full Planning Permission (Micheal Garvey)

No objection


2022/0963 Land To The Rear Of, 64 Middleton Road, E8 4BS Demolition of mechanic’s garage (use class B2) and erection of a two-storey 3 bedroom dwellinghouse (use class C3). [For consultation purposes a revised daylight and sunlight report has been received]. Full Planning Permission (Alix Hauser)

We see no reason to alter our opinion submitted in August that we have no objection to this application.


2023/1957 258 Haggerston Road, E8 4EP Erection of two-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension. Householder Planning (Matthew Hollins)

We object to this application which does not enhance either the terrace or the Conservation Area.


2023/2455 Department For Work And Pensions, Playle House, 6 – 22 Tottenham Road, N1 4BZ External alterations including the installation of new bin store, AC plant equipment, vent grilles to fenestration and general plant equipment to the roof Full Planning Permission (Laurence Ackrill)

No objection


2023/2442 66 Ufton Road, N1 4HH Conversion of two flats to form a single dwelling. Full Planning Permission (Catherine Nichol)

No objection


2023/2351 88 Culford Road, N1 4HN Construction of a mansard roof extension. Householder Planning (James Clark)

We strongly object to this application which will set a dangerous precedent for further development at roof level in the Conservation Area. This terrace appears to have an unbroken run of valley roofs which are one of the defining characteristics of the architecture of De Beauvoir. The proposed roof with the extended chimneys will be very noticeable from Culford Road, from the rear of the houses on the west side of De Beauvoir Road and from the houses on the north side of Northchurch Terrace..


2023/2406 117 Culford Road, N1 4HT The proposed development is to replace the existing rear side return single-storey extension together with associated alterations to the lower ground floor rear facade. Householder Planning (James Clark)

We have no objection to this application but we trust that the terrace to the rear of the property will incorporate a permeable surface.

2023/2484 The Diner, 600 Kingsland Road, E8 4AH Temporary installation of two externally illuminated shroud screen advertisements. Advertisement Consent

Given that a similar application was refused consent in 2022 and we consider that nothing has changed in the intervening time, we therefore object to this application.