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since 1967

Kingsland CAAC May 2024

Planning Applications for Kingsland CAAC meeting for May 2024

2023/2935 Basement To First Floor, 130 Kingsland Road, E2 8DP Construction of a roof-top extension to existing 3rd floor roof to facilitate the creation of 1 no. self-contained flat with associated amenity space Full Planning Permission (Laurence Ackrill)

Although we have no issues with a roof top addition, we do object to the style of the proposed extension which appears incongruous to both the host building and its neighbours. This building is very visible in the long views from Falkirk Street and any addition should enhance the Conservation Area.

2024/0365 1, Sovereign Mews Pearson Street, E2 8ER Insertion of existing single-glazed timber framed windows with double-glazed white powder, coated aluminium, casement window. Householder Planning (Jonathan Bainbridge)

The application title is incorrect, this proposal relates to the insertion of a new window in the flank wall. The two windows in this wall should be aligned one below the other and should be the same size and colour, white not anthracite grey, and timber framed to match one another.

2023/2919 Trade Price Catering, 325 Kingsland Road, E8 4DL Installation of new shopfront and new entrance to upper floors of property (retrospective) Full Planning Permission (Matthew Hollins)

No objection.


2024/0280  75 Balls Pond Road, N1 4BW The replacement of existing windows on the front elevation with new single-glazed units ; and the replacement of existing windows on the rear elevation with double glazed units. Householder Planning (Micheal Garvey)

We have no objection but we are surprised that the applicant is not taking the opportunity to install double glazing on the front elevation. The existing sashes are not original and Hackney has permitted the installation of double glazed windows on listed buildings elsewhere in the Conservation Area.

2024/0542 104 De Beauvoir Road, N1 4DJ Erection of glazed rear extension; installation of projecting windows; works to driveway, rear and side garden. Householder Planning (Matthew Hollins)

We object to the extent of roof glazing which would result in light pollution. The paving which is quite extensive should be permeable.

2024/0889 Units 5 And 6, 27 Downham Road, N1 5AA Erection of a roof terrace with perimeter wire balustrades with aluminium frames located on the existing flat roof on the third floor. Full Planning Permission (Jonathan Bainbridge)

No objection.

2024/0662 Corner Mini Market, 40 Downham Road, N1 5AL Erection of single-storey extension to the south elevation at ground floor level. Full Planning Permission (Jonathan Bainbridge)

No comment.

2024/0743 51 Lawford Road, N1 5BJ Removal of existing bay window to rear ground floor, erection of ground floor rear extension and replacement of existing sash windows and front door Householder Planning (Matthew Hollins)

We do not object to the proposed extension, replacement windows and door although more details of the windows should be provided. We do however object to the new top hung window at first floor level which is not in keeping with the period and style of the building.

2024/0428 2-4 Orsman Road, N1 5QJ Erection of a part-three, part-four storey building and erection of one-storey roof extension to existing building to provide 432sq.m of commercial floorspace (Class E) and four residential units alongside associated landscaping, refuse storage and cycle parking Full Planning Permission (Matthew Hollins)

No objection.

2024/0801 76 Mortimer Road, N1 5AP Erection of single storey lower ground floor rear extension Householder Planning

We have no objection in principle to the proposal but would ask the Planning Office to approve the choice of brick in relation to the host building. The paving to the rear patio and to the side of the dwelling should be permeable.

2024/0037 1 Gainsborough Studios Poole Street, N1 5ED Installation of 2 x long boat moorings for mixed use C1 and C3 (Sui Generis). Full Planning Permission

We have concerns about this application particularly with regard to the additional pollution – water, air and light – which will result from the mooring of two 50ft narrow boats at this location. We wondered whether the moorings could be reserved for electric powered boats which would cause less harm to the environment. The Regent’s Canal is a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation and provides an ecological corridor which should be a priority for enhancement (Hackney Local Nature Recovery PLan 2023-2030). We understand that the floating islands shown in the ecological assessment are of a design that has failed along the Regent’s Canal just upstream from Kings Cross. Thames21 and London Wildlife Trust who have experience in conservation have installed islands produced by Biomatrix Water.

2024/0867 43 Northchurch Road, N1 4EE Non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission 2022/1503 in order to amend the scale and design of the garden studio building Non-Material Amendment (Laurence Ackrill)

No objection but application granted before comment submitted.

2024/0761 Shearsby Newsagents, 402 Kingsland Road, E8 4AA Proposed use of the premises as a restaurant premises (use class E(b) ). Certificate of Lawful Development Existing/Proposed (Livi Whyte)

We have no objection to the change of use to a restaurant although there are already quite a number of restaurants/takeaways in this part of the Kingsland Road. We note that the applicant does not appear to have planning consent for the current shop frontage and that the premises are already in use for the sale of ice cream.