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since 1967

Kingsland CAAC August 2023

Planning Applications for Kingsland CAAC meeting for 7 August 2023

2023/1656 Basement And Ground Floor, 134e Kingsland Road, E2 8DY Proposed installation of a ventilation/extract system for a basement restaurant kitchen with a duct running on the rear elevation from first floor to roof Full Planning Permission (Alishba Emanuel)

We are not sure why this application was accepted without drawings showing the proposal. Photographs of other ventilation/extraction systems in the terrace are not sufficient.


2023/1527 138 Kingsland Road, E2 8DY Infilling of rear, ground floor, door. Full Planning Permission (Catherine Nichol)

No objection.


2023/1558 426a Kingsland Road, E8 4AA Retrospective change of use from two self-contained residential units (Class C3) to a 10 bedroom large HMO (Sui Generis). Full Planning Permission (Erin Glancy)

We have serious concerns about the provision of bathroom and toilet facilities for ten adults.


2023/0129 489 Kingsland Road, E8 4AU Change of use from restaurant/cafe (Class E) to takeaway (Sui Generis) including new opening hours of Monday to Sunday 07:30 to 03:00 (retrospective application). Full Planning Permission (Danny Huber)

We object to the proposed opening hours which are excessive. We note that the other restaurants in the Fireaway group have opening hours from 11am or midday to 11pm.


2023/1426 139 Balls Pond Road, N1 4BG Replacement of cement render with lime render on rear elevation Listed Building Consent (Gerard Livett)

We have no objection to the lime render. However we would point out that Figure 2 in the Design and Access statement does not show the street in front of the building but a section of Balls Pond Road further to the east.


2023/1488 94 – 96 De Beauvoir Road, N1 4EN Re-cladding of existing roof extensions at third floor level comprising replacement of existing rubber cladding with black colour coated aluminium roofing system; installation of concealed gutters and minor works to window and door thresholds Full Planning Permission (Thomas Russell)

No objection.


2023/1247 121 Culford Road, N1 4HT Replacement of existing outbuilding with single storey rear extension Householder Planning (Thomas Russell)

We have no objection to the garden studio but we do object to the proposed corridor from the existing house. We are concerned at the loss of garden amenity space.


2023/1622 13 Stamford Road, N1 4JP Proposed installation of 2x acoustic enclosures to existing condenser units Householder Planning (Alishba Emanuel)

We have been unable to find any record of planning consent for the existing condensers. However if they are to be retained then, as there is obviously a noise problem, we have no objection to the accoustic enclosures. If this application is to be granted there should be a condition that the units will be regularly serviced.


2023/1061 80 Mortimer Road, N1 5AP Demolition of existing single-storey structure and erection of a single-storey building over new basement building to provide 1 x 1 bedroom self-contained dwelling house; alterations to boundary wall; change of use of site from mixed use B2 (general industry) and E(g)(i) (Offices to carry out any operational or administrative functions) to C3 (residential). Full Planning Permission (Danny Huber)

We have no objection to the proposed development. However we consider that a conventional six pane over six pane sash window would better emphasis the subservient nature of the proposed dwelling. We wonder whether there is a need for equal sized metal gates and consider that a smaller gate and metal railings would be preferable.


2023/1523 Basement And Ground Floor Flat, 68 Mortimer Road, N1 5AP Erection of a single storey rear outbuilding Full Planning Permission (Danny Huber)

We feel that the utilitarian nature of the proposed building does not do justice to the garden.


2023/1709 58 De Beauvoir Road, N1 5AT Replacement of existing wooden single glazed window with wooden double glazed window Householder Planning (Matthew Hollins)

We have no objection to this application but would point out that there are no horns on the windows of the existing front façade.


2023/1584 33 Ufton Road, N1 5BN Replacement of existing glazed brick window with double-glazed timber window to the existing lower ground floor rear elevation. Householder Planning (Matthew Hollins)

While a sash window would be preferable, the proposed alteration is acceptable.


2023/1583 Mini Cab 4 You, 188 Hoxton Street, N1 5LH Change of Use from Mini Cab Office (Sui Generis) to Class E (Commercial, Business and Service) Full Planning Permission (Matthew Hollins)

We have no objection but we should like to know what will replace the signage which is presumably to be removed.


2022/0963 Flat A, 64 Middleton Road, E8 4BS Demolition of mechanic’s garage (use class B2) and erection of a two-storey 3 bedroom dwellinghouse (use class C3). [For re-consultation purposes: A Marketing Report has been submitted]. Full Planning Permission (Alix Hauser)

No objection.


2023/1466 240b Kingsland Road, E2 8AX Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) of planning permission 2023/0690 dated 31/05/2023. Effect of variation would be to increase the scale of the proposed conservatory Removal/Variation of Condition(s) (Thomas Russell)

As there will be limited visibility of the conservatory from either the canal or the opposite bank we have no objection.


2023/1681 58 Southgate Road, N1 3JF Variation of Condition 10 (Approved Plans) attached to planning permission 2010/0909 to amend the first floor of the proposed two storey building to the rear of 58-64 Southgate Road from a curved roof to a sawtooth roof and associated amendments to the proposed fenestration at ground and first floors and internal alterations Removal/Variation of Condition(s) (Laurence Ackrill)

No objection.


2023/1390 Hutley Wharf, 29 Branch Place, N1 5PW Variation of condition 2 (Development not in accordance) of planning permission 2019/3854 and 2020/3804). In relation to replacing cladding with fibre cement panels; replace glass balustrade with metal mesh; reduce size of windows to south elevation. Removal/Variation of Condition(s) (Micheal Garvey)

We object to the mesh railings which look ugly. We consider that the cladding on the top two floors should be a similar colour. The contrasting effect between the two floors as shown in the visualisations only serves to draw attention to the top of the building.


2023/1607 Oz Burger, ., 495 Kingsland Road, E8 4AU Variation of condition 2 (Development not in accordance), 3 (Details-Anti mount vibration) 4 (Noise level) of planning permission 2022/1051 dated 12/07/2022. In relation to: removal of existing flue/extractor and installation of new flue/extractor system to two storey rear addition and roof level Removal/Variation of Condition(s) (Micheal Garvey)

This is just unacceptable. If the extract flue cannot be redirected from the canopy through the ceiling of the two storey extension so that it rises vertically up the wall of the building, thus obviating the need for such a massive construction, then the use of the premises for cooking should be reconsidered.