Stoke Newington CAAC March 2020

Planning Applications for Stoke Newington CAAC meeting for 9 March 2020


2020/0488 Woodberry Down Primary School Woodberry Grove N4 1SY Erection of playground equipment (Catherine Slade 020 8356 8056)

We have no objection to the proposals.


2020/0369 14 Lordship Road N16 0QT Erection of a mansard roof extension for the purposes of a self contined studio flat, and alterations to facade and glazing (Fabian Culican 020 8356 4747)

Whilst this scheme proposes a more mansard-like extension than the refused full-width box, the proportions of the mansard are awkward and the result is over dominant in relation to the host building and its neighbours. In addition the chimney stack, which was removed in the previous scheme sits particularly awkwardly in this proposal.


2020/0718 Alcock Barcham & Richard Fox Houses N4 2TB Erection of single-storey rooftop extension to provide six self-contained residential units with associated refuse and cycle storage. (Gerard Livett 020 8356 8398)

We have no objection to the overall design and massing but find the proposed brick slips unsatisfactory and would like to see other materials explored, and in greater detail.


2020/0546 93 Stoke Newington Church Street N16 0AS Use of the rear terrace for seating with limited hours of use (Louise Prew 020 8356 8613)

We have no objection to the proposals.


2020/0634 and 2020/0635 33-34 Newington Green N16 9PR Internal and external alterations to grade II listed building to include replacement of roller shutter to entrance with timber gate; Replacement of roof and gutter coverings and associate repairs; General repairs and upgrading to meet fire regulations to include upgrades to internal doors; removal of temporary timber roof structure and screens to rear ground floor coachway; addition of bird coil barrier to part of front facade; removal of flue on side elevation and associate works; infill of existing openings on estern elevation and associated works. (Thomas Bertwistle 020 8356 2532)

The only item that draws our attention is the bird coil which seems unnecessary and in any event is not described in enough detail for us to judge the impact on the primary facade.


2020/0688 52 Wilberforce Road N4 2SR Amalgamation of two self-contained units into a single family unit; erection of a single storey rear and side extension to include fenestration changes to front elevation and associated works. (Thomas Bertwistle 020 8356 2532)

We have no objection to the proposals.

This page was added on 09/03/2020.