A voice for Hackney
since 1967

Conservation Area Advisory Committees

Conservation area advisory committees (CAACs) consist of local residents and businesses as well as representatives of local historical, civic and amenity societies. They help us consider applications that may affect the character or appearance of a conservation area and assist in the formulation of conservation and design policies throughout the borough. There are six CAACs in Hackney.


Central and South Hackney CAAC

Chair: Nick Hunn

Secretary: on rotation
Email: centralandsouthhackneycaac@gmail.com
Meets on second Mondays

CoversGraham Road & MapledeneBroadway MarketVictoria ParkFremont & WarnefordTown Hall SquareMare StreetRegents Canal (Sections 1c and 1d); Hackney WickBeck RoadWell Street


Clapton CAAC

Secretary/Chair: Iain Bruce
Email: clapton@hackney-caac.org.uk

Meets on third Thursdays

CoversClapton SquareClapton CommonClapton PondLea BridgeNorthwold & Cazenove


Dalston CAAC

Chair: Bernard Tulkens. Secretary: Hedy Parry-Davies

Email: dalston@hackney-caac.org.uk

Meets on first Tuesdays

CoversDalstonDalston Lane (West); Queensbridge RoadSt Mark’sShacklewell Green


Kingsland CAAC

Chair:  Fiona Darbyshire
Email: chair@kcaac.org.uk
Recent submissions of KCAAC can be found here.

Meets on first MondaysCoversKingslandDe BeauvoirAlbion SquareRegent’s Canal


Shoreditch CAAC

Chair: Unallocated

Secretary:  Unallocated
Email: shoreditch@hackney-caac.org.uk

Meets on first Tuesdays

CoversSouth ShoreditchUnderwoodHoxton StreetHackney RoadSun StreetRegents Canal (Section 1a); Pitfield Street


Stoke Newington

CAACSecretary/Chair: Barbara McFarlane
Email: stokenewington@hackney-caac.org.uk

Meets on second Mondays

CoversStoke NewingtonClissold ParkLordship ParkNewington Green (north)Stoke Newington Reservoirs, Filter Beds & New RiverBrownswood